Friday, October 20, 2017


While waiting for my appt today, I went back to the initial beginnings of my blog..why I started this blog and how I had hoped thru my blog, others would be blessed and hopefully eventually I would be able to remember about God's blessings upon me..

It was refreshing to re-read some of the posts. And I definitely blogged more in 2011 when I was struggling with IF compared to any other years of my

I always remember this stage of Joy, where she would always always pray together with me and for me, that I would conceive. Such was the (strong) faith of a 3 yr old. Even though there are times that she wished she was an only child, I know that she loves her sisters v much. And today is an example of it. It is "chek-chek" season now..  everything the twins want, they want to do it with their big chek chek. And today Vera actually accidentally fell off my bed and Joy managed to coax her to stop crying within minutes. Lol..

Thankful for God's wonderful blessings to me.. thankful that for every obstacle/challenge that happened, He is always with us, to guide us and to teach us. Thank God for everything

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