Thursday, March 3, 2016


This afternoon I posted a question to joy..

Me : Joy, shall mummy have another baby next yr? Then it will b 10-5-0? 5 yrs gap each among u all?

Joy: A funny yet vicious stare.. those u c on Korean dramas

Joy: Mummy !

Me: what's more , with that we will have 2 pigs, 2 roosters and 2 dragons in the household? Wouldn't that be lovely ?

Joy: Is it so easy to be pregnant ?

Mr choo : hmm.. I've got 8 more yrs at PL  (pri).. If we have another one then it's 12 yrs leh.. don't wan la..

At this point I burst out laughing. . Hahaha... no la, we are not having another one.. 3 is enough.. although it seems interesting to have each child at 5 yrs gap.. it's interesting to know tt the twins are at the stage when joy was at, when we were doing our IVF. . So fast time flies..and I always feel tt twins seem younger than joy when she was at this age. Joy was always the mature 老大 in the family.  How bless we are to have her as our firstborn. It is so true that because she has made parenting seems so easy (at least in the initial yrs ) ; I would have the courage to have another child.

Anyway even though it seems nice to have 2 of the Chinese animals in the family, it's not a very strong reason to have #4.

I juz want to enjoy the rest of my time with Mr choo and the 3 girls.. to travel and play and cry together, 3 is enough. 

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