Monday, February 29, 2016

Our first zoo run

Last Sunday we went for a zoo run with joy and her 2 buddies from childcare. It was my first run with her. Although she's been to a few runs with the dad , this was the longest distance so far - 2.5km across the zoo.

Before the run, I prayed for a long while, for gd weather, for me to manage to see her in the chaotic sea of orange tees and most importantly for Joy to be able to truly enjoy herself. I remember when she went for her first 800 metres kids dash many yrs ago, she was upset that she was not in the top 3 finishers that she cried halfway through the race. I was worried if the episode would repeat, or if she would have another tantrum episode and thus spoil the whole fun of it. Her competitiveness to win sometimes torment her so much when the results r not what she expects.
Anyway I'm glad that it turned out well, both for her and for me. I've not run for a long time too and the last run I did was the 2.4km that we needed to do during our JC days. The time spend to chat with her during our walk/run and focusing only on her was gd.. and it wasn't as chaotic  as I thought it would be.

After the run, we continue to explore the zoo with the rest of the family. Everyone had a lot of fun and it was a very meaningful Sunday to just have fun and not think about work or preparing for the kids classes. . We all looked like  on Monday morning when we went back to school / work.
Grateful that we have this beautiful Sunday. .may we continue to make every weekend an eventful time bonding with the kids.. thank you God!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cny eve

Mr choo send me this pic on new yr eve. . Yes while I was juggling dinner with the twins and loads of relatives, he was waiting at the A&E with joy at Mahkota medical centre, so that someone could look at her wound properly and treat it.

She had fell down during one of the rough plays with her sisters in the hotel room, knocked against the edge of the TV console, thereby smashing her spectacles lens, which pierced deep into her eye brow leaving it with an open wound and gushing blood. I was in shocked when I saw the scene. Joy crying out of pain and also bcoz her new spectacles are broken; Vera crying either becoz she sayang her chek chek, or out of fear that she might be scolded for the misadventure. That happened 1 hr before our reunion dinner. Uncle pig suggested going ahead with the gathering and coming back for treatment thereafter since there was a massive jam outside and we couldn't possible be able to attend 2 events and make it in time. I said no. Sometime in me tell me that it's not as simple and immediate attention shld b given. In the end, I took the twins to the gathering while he walked with joy to the medical centre.

In the end she had 2 stitches and glue on her wound. They had macdonalds for dinner and we all met together at ah ma house thereafter.

Despite the exciting episode, there was so many things to be grateful for. Eg If the lens had cut lower , into the eye, or elsewhere on other parts on her face, or if we had decided to wait and delay treatment, then the problem would be bigger than now. So thankful for the helpful hotel staff who helped disinfect Joy's wound immediately when it happened, and for the twins were quite cooperative during the dinner. Eventful cny eve but thankful to God for all things that has happened.

Happy Chinese new yr to all my family and friends ! May the coming year bring you health and time with yr loved ones !

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

On deaths

A friend's son passed away last weekend; while he was in his nap in his student care. When I first heard the news, I couldn't believe it. Even though I've never seen the boy before , but to hear of deaths of children is always heartbreaking. No amount of hows or whys can remove the pain or anguish. I haven't got to c my fren yet and by the time I learn of it, the funeral was over. I'm not sure how I should console her or should i act normally when I see her again. Deaths are a confirm destination to each and everyone of us. But when it happens abruptly or when it happens to kids, as a mother, its tormenting. And im sure tat all mummies would rather go in the child's place.  There's so many things that the child has yet to try.. and so many different kind of feelings that he would not get to experience.

Much as I don't understand why such things happen, I have to remind myself that God always know best for each and everyone of us and we have to TRUST in him.

Also another reminder to myself that life is so vulnerable, that you never know when it will happen, and when it does, do u have a chance to say goodbye?
Treasure the people around us and really live life like no tomorrow, coz we might not have another tomorrow. Stealing another glance at uncle pig and I realize that both of us have aged so much. Praying that we will be able to hold each other's hands for another 40 yrs.

Dear lord , I am not afraid if you call me home. I hope that when the time is here , I will know and I will have the chance to say goodbye to those that matters. Praying right now for the friend who has suffered the loss, that God you give her strength to carry on, carry her and her woes and may time heals.