Thursday, January 24, 2013

My hero

This is a photo taken secretly at 4am when my man is making Vera, who is sick, zzz. My man and my girl.

I envy his persistence. Coz Vera can be pretty stubborn n cry real LOUD when she doesn't wanna do the things daddy wants him to. Eg sleeping

I'm thankful for him, for taking care of everything so that Everyone else can hv a peace of Gd night rest while he does all the difficult jobs. It's often easier to give in to the baby's demands esp at the wee hours, but no, he doesn't. What is right and what's wrong is clearly spelt out.

I'm thankful that he manages the household while I go out to work. Spent a full day with the twins today at home coz they were sick n I was afraid Tt he can't handle. The twins were Gd to me. They nap for 1.5 hrs straight in the afternoon and I too nap for an hour. But even so, my patience drew thin by late afternoon. I was like a cranky baby, tired and frustrated . He took it all, he took over the rest despite doing more things, sleeping less, but he never complained. My man, my hero. =p

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