Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm down w fever. 37.8.. :(

- Drafted on 9th Jan 2013-

I'm down w fever. 37.8.. :(

Haven't had fever for a looong time that I can't even remember when was my last time. But today is the first time I regretted. Regretted that I made grace solely mine at night. I don't even know how or what to do tonight when she wakes up. Am I still going to continue feeding her? Or shld William juz take over and implement the changes ? Super pissed with myself for falling sick and even more pissed that I run the risk of spreading to the kids. Vera is still sick and everytime I c William feed her the many medicines, my heart hurt. I know they will all come out of it, being survivors. But the thought Tt I might spread to them is hurting me now. :(

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