Monday, August 20, 2012

Yeah to sleep!

Yeah to sleep !
After I blog a few weeks ago abt the hectic nights, and when they are abt 3 mths old, it's confirmed! They are really sleeping thru the nights! A typical night would b a last feed at abt 730, n both will zz fr 8-6 or 7am; w Only Vera waking up once in the night. To which we are so ever grateful . Indeed. A check w several of my colleagues n I realized tt it's not always a fact tt bb will zz thru.. And some are still having multiple night feeds..

Juz so grateful tt the girls r giving us some time to rest n prepare for the next day.

Joy has also become more used to the twins ard, w "shared love" . She even started to do flash cards w the twins today. I know it's too early but at least this can keep all three entertain for a while. Haha.. I hope it's not a 三分钟热度 thing.

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