Thursday, May 10, 2012

A happy confinement

I had blogged abt this entry abt a week ago but I'm not sure why the contents didn't appear.. After that, I kinda forgotten wat I had wanted to write so only now did I finally hv the same "mood" again. 
Even before my delivery, uncle pig n I had agreed that we were gonna do away with all the traditional norms of confinement n focus on the emotional well being of me. After all, despite doing a trad confinement the previous time only made me slip into depression n I hardly felt any better throughout the entire mth. 

We were going to do away with a confinement lady as Uncle Pig was gonna be the confinement daddy. Despite objections from my family n some friends, we decided to go ahead with our decision becoz it was after all MY confinement, and certainly I can choose to do wat I want. Well, so far, after coming back home for almost ten days, I'm proud to say that I've not regretted my choice. Yes, it's tiring for both of us but at least the advantage of being on our own is that we have the choice of doing the way we wanted and there was no one ard to say NO!

When some of my colleagues came visiting at my place, I even suggested ordering pizza delivery to host them. They were shocked! Haha! I think my mom would flipped if she knew.. Well, it's my choice.. N after all, people across the other side of the planet don't practise confinement n eating pizza is a norm n it was my comfort food too! =p

Breastfeeding is also another area that I decided not to stress myself too much with.. Coz during the previous time, I was so strict on myself that I wouldn't allow anyone to give Joy formula milk. To me then, formula was juz like "poison" and it was best she be introduce at a much later stage.  This time round, as Grace n Vera were premmies, they had to take formula. It was not an option at all as the PD was concerned w their initial low sugar levels. I took it to my stride n continued to breastfeed as much as I can. Even now, when they've become more accustomed to bottle feeding, I told myself that I will give as much as I can. And most importantly , the best gift for the kids is not breastmilk but Mummy's Love. And that shall be my focus.

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