Saturday, December 31, 2011

Retinal Detachment

On Monday, while shopping at Ikea, I realised tat there were some problems with my eyesight. It seems tat everything via my left eye (upwards) were blur . I thought it could be the use of old glasses with the wrong degree. Nevertheless, Uncle Pig insisted tat we go for a check with my regular optician for a piece of mind. 

After procrastinating for a few days, I finally met the optician, Hazel, on thur. She went thru the screening very detailedly with me and suggested going to the hospital for a more precise check. The appt was for the following day. Despite my pleas to do it after our Hk trip, Hazel and uncle pig felt tat there was a need to do it now. 

Went to c the doc on fri, 2pm at SNEC. I had wanted to do it with the private hospital knowing tat I have medical insurance which I can claim from if the bill were to soar upwards. But being the typical Uncle Pig, both him and Hazel suggested seeking treatment at SNEC since it was a specialize centre for the eye. I could always do a second consultation after tat if my experience with the former was undesirable. Anyway in order to skip the waiting time, I went in as a private patient. 

At the clinic, they did a lot of tests and finally concluded tat I had Retinal Detachment. Gasp! So what did it mean? It mean tat the retina on my left eye was detached and there was an immediate emergency to do the op now! Now?? Yes, now.. Huh? But I'm pregnant!! Can't it wait till may? Or next week? It's new year eve and I don't wanna cross the year in the hospital! Plus I have a gathering tomorrow at my place, a trip next week and many many things.. Can't we wait? How abt seeking another opinion? Anyway due to the seriousness of the detachment , the doc says we can't wait, not even till next week. He did however , allow the op to be postponed to saturday (new yr eve) early morning as I had juz taken some food an hr ago. Fasting was required prior to the op and I would be on local anaesthesia. There are risks for all ops and esp since I'm pregnant. By this time I was sobbing hard, blaming myself for causing this and maybe hurting my twins indirectly. By this time, I was also the last patient around. The whole hospital seems to have closed except for a few nurses still attending to me. I was comforted tat they were really very nice, assuring and comforting. I didn't feel like i was in a govt hospital and the care while there is very good. 

Anyway it's fixed. Op is on sat, 10am.. News started to sink in after we left the hospital and I think my tap didn't really stop even through the night. It was the thought of maybe hurting my twins tat was tormenting me and juz before I zz, I pray again. 

Right now , I'm back at the hospital for my op. I told J in the early morning requesting her for a prayer and was shocked to receive her reply. Her words comforted me and juz as I thought my tap has run dry, the final drops came dripping down again. But i did feel better talking to her and I guess, we juz have to leave it to God, and his workers to do the work. 

Going to be pushed in soon.. Praying tat everything will be smooth and there would be no complications. Pls direct all calls/SMS to uncle pig.. Love ya and happy new year to everyone!

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