Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reflections on Christmas Day

During dinner, I asked Uncle Pig if he would like to try for another 'boy' after the arrival of our twins. And his reply was " why would I do that? God gave me 3 children and I'm more than satisfied"  
It warmed my heart and I strongly agree with him. Having gone thru a few years of infertile attempts, to the extent of never dreaming tat we would ever have another one, the thought tat we are richly blessed with the coming arrival of not one but two wonderful gifts from G0d, is something tat i wouldn't dare dream in the past. 
A lot of our friends initial first response upon hearing tat we are having 2 princesses was tat now I can finally pass all of Joy's clothes and baby stuff to her, which I explained to them tat we would need to buy most of it , if not all. Tat was because we had passed on to our friends after keeping it for several yrs. it was an infertile decision @ work, something tat I had almost forgotten but reminded again. We chose to give away all the stuff then, because the mere keeping of them would trigger hopes, anticipations, then disappointments and disappointments and the cycle spirals from there. I remembered telling uncle pig then, tat if I were ever pregnant, I would be more than happy to start our shopping again and this time with more enthuasium. And if I were not, at least I wouldn't be too disappointed.. This feeling of not even daring to hope - is something I've almost forgotten . And I'm always reminded of God's goodness to me and my family, how He rescued us from the deepest valleys and put joy into our lives again. 
Right now, I juz wanna pray for the smooth delivery of my beloved twins, tat God u protect them while they r in my womb,U and U protect them and bless them with good health and wisdom when they are here. God I also pray for my friends who are trying to have kids, tat You warm the womb, so tat it's desirable to conceive. Lord I pray tat You give them patience as You make Yr plans in the most perfect timing for them. I know it's easier than said to have faith in You, but Lord, I pray that you send an angel to them today to let them know tat they are not forgotten. Sometimes when the night seems so dark with no signs of daylight, a word / sign/ voice / anything from You gives the weak courage to dream, courage to believe.. In Jesus name I pray - amen 

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