Friday, September 30, 2011

Double Blessings

This morning I woke up , hand on my tummy as thou making sure I can feel the twins in me.. Everything seem so juz seems like y'day when doc told us abt our infertility report, n the procedures tat we have to do.. The medication, the rounds of IUIs tat we did, the many prayers tat our CG n friends prayed n cried together w us, the decision to do IVF, then the many rounds of injections, n now here.. It juz didn't seem possible, unbelievable.. And it juz is pure sweetness. I wake up each day feeling full w sweetness, n thanking God for his blessings.. The period when I was down, esp w the low egg retrieved n the probability that maybe nothing to b transferred, I know God was with us.. And I thank God for his presence, strength n everything made possible.

I had lunch with two of my best friends, J&J, and told them that maybe it was the long wait, maybe it was our age, which made this pregnancy even more treasurable. We started our search for infant care when we knew about our blood test result, pram shopping y'day after the scan, and now I have a mental checklist of the things required to buy/do.. haha.. talk about being kiasu parents... i didnt rem doing all these when i was pregnant with joy..

I also had a practical conversation with uncle pig.. in fact, he initiated it.. maybe he realised that two's a completely different ball game or he doesnt wanna overload me with things.. he has suggested of closing the bakery and operating it from home again.. which is something I had really hope he could do.. considering the fact that joy will be starting pri sch in 2 yrs time, plus the twins.. i really hope that either one of us could be a full time parent, to stay at home and take care of the kids.. anyway, i could see the reluctance in his eyes...of giving up his biz, and I pray that God, you provide a solution for this bah... I don't know what's best for us, but I know God always has plans.. so we shall just surrender it to Him la..

Right now I'm pram & infant seat shopping.. havnt really decided if we should do a twin pram tat comes with those infant seats, or should we just recycle Joy's pram and sling the other one... anyway, the bulky twin pram makes it hard to put itself our car boot too.. haha.. i welcome all pls drop me some..thanks! :)

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