Thursday, September 29, 2011

1st ultrasound

1st ultrasound scan
Finally! The long awaited scan is here.. Couldn't zz well last nite coz was so excited abt it tt I ended up feeling half asleep at the clinic today. Haha.. 
Anyway we prayed tat we will b able to see the heartbeat today which was crucial in today's scan.. At 6weeks 5 days, we could c the foetus, and the faint heartbeat.. But wait! There's another one at the other side, the gynae was saying! Huh?? Two?!! I thought we were expecting a singleton based on the bloodtest previously? Gynae says tat surprises happen at times n now,yes we r expecting twins! Praise the Lord! Can't wait to let Joy know abt it.. Haha.. 
We were so thrilled tat after tt,nothing tt the gynae said seems to register in me.. Both uncle pig n I were filled w emotions tat tears juz swelled in our eyes.. Tears of joy, of course. Everything still seems like a dream come true.. 

Wat I did chk with the gynae was the 3 embryos n if they did made it to b used in the later cycle.. But they weren't gd embryos n kinda stop growing n thus can't b used.. Oh well, tats fine for me too.. At least I didn't hv to face the torment of freezing many of my babies for future use. God knows how many's required n He gave us juz the right no. He shows tat He's in control ALL the time n I can't express fully how I'm amazed at His plans..thank you Lord .. I pray tat U continue to protect the 2 babies in my womb, tat they continue to grow healthily n strongly.. I pray for Yr Guidance in walking the rest of the journey.. Like wat some of my friends say, there's so many things tt we need to do now.. N I pray for guidance n wisdom thru this route.. Thank u Lord!-amen

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