Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A secret..

"人生能有几个十年? 步入第四个十年的我,心想我的人生还有几个十年?是一个? 两个? 还是很多很多? 这只有上帝知道。因此每一天早上,我很感谢上帝恩赐我在这世上多一天。我很感谢上帝赐予我的一切。我不富裕,但我知足常乐。感谢上帝赐予我一个很爱我,很支持我的太太。 她为了让我专心发展我的业务,她扛起了这个家的重任。"

不小心从老公的手机看到以上的msg on his note pad,不禁流下眼泪。这四十岁的大叔是那么地疼我啊!even to the extent of playing "words with me" via iPhone juz bcoz I didnt hv many kakis.. It warms my heart to see his subtle thoughtfulness and how even though he doesn't like tat game at all, tried his best to entertain me. 
Lord I'm grateful for this man tat you've provided for me, and joy too.. And I pray tat u protect them n bless them with gd health. In Jesus name I pray 
-amen -

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