Monday, March 28, 2011

10 days & counting

My dear blog,
it's been 10 days... 10 days late... happy but mixed feelings.. didnt dare to be too happy for fear of a bigger disappointment. But it has been 10 days.. seem so angonizing, and long.. but roughly around the 7th day, (after umpteenth times of struggling with myself to buy a kit or not), I've decided to get one if its at least 2 weeks late...Why don't I just get one now? It's only a few dollars ah.. and it could solve all my agonies immediately... well, it could also realise my disappointment immediately. So for that reason, I've decided to wait till 2 weeks ba.. I thought I would be super high, and having those self-thought nauseas especially since it's been so late, but no.. I didnt. I told myself that I will trust God's timing and whatever He directs, I will follow.
This time round, I have peace, and I'm thankful for that. I guess this is call complete surrender ba..really just leave it to Him ah..haha...At least now, I can sleep and not think about it.. while juz a few days ago, I was still in jittering mode, not able to eat, think or zzz.. so for this I'm thankful.
Lord, I also pray that you heal hubz and protect him, guide us thru this round of investigation and I pray that the doctors will have the wisdom to do a proper diagnosis. Lord, we surrender this to you. In Jesus name, I pray
- Amen -

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