Friday, August 4, 2023

Saying goodbye

Gotten say goodbye to this shirt after today. It has followed me for more than 12yrs but I’m not going to bring it over to the new house. I can’t rem when I first got it, but I rem I wore it to a friend’s baby party years ago, when I was doing my IVF. I look so bloated back then, bcoz of the hormone injections. 所以一直不舍得把它丢掉。

It represents a season of my life when I felt that I was at the bottomless pit, where God wasn’t around and no one could understand what I was going thru. But I’ve since walked out of that season. 

I don’t have much sentimental things bcoz I don’t like clutter. But I find it hard to say goodbye to this shirt .. hahaha.. coz it reminds me of how hard times were back then. 

Writing it down so that I can refer to this whenever I miss it. Hahaha

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