Wednesday, July 6, 2022


I’m exhuasted.. lol.. I think hermit crab has hit her social quota for the mth. And I know I still got a handful of gatherings coming up over the long weekend.. faints .. 

Dont get me wrong. I enjoy all the gatherings while I was there. But there’s also a part of me which needs her peace and 4 walls to retreat back to. And currently I’m yearning for that. 

A look at my work schedule and I said a silent prayer. My appts for Friday are as follows: 10am (sk) ; 12 (zoom) ; 1pm Chinatown ; 330 and 530pm zoom. I don’t know how I’m going to manage. We will see how it goes. Brain is malfunctioning so heading home liaoz. 

Just went for a swim. Haven’t been swimming for so long!! It felt so good after that ! Shall do it more frequently from now on. 

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