Friday, December 10, 2021


Recording J first (and hopefully last hfmd) episode so that we can always look back at this entry eventually and laugh.. 

How it started

Day 1

- woke up in the morning feeling feverish. Gave him some fever meds and it came down before coming back up at late afternoon. Last dose was at midnight.

Day 2

woke up with no fever though he kept crying on and off motn. He was also complaining quite loudly though we couldn’t understand his language 🀣

Send him to sch since he has no fever. I thought it probably was a random one day fever or teething fever. 

Sch called at 12pm saying that they found ulcers in his throat. Settled the twins at home before picking the little one and sending him to PD.

Certified hfmd and given 1 week mc

I said a silent prayer that God helps us tide this over. The 2 nights of fussing had been a toll on us and I dunno how we going to manage another 7days. Oh God.. I know hfmd was inevitable but I didn’t think it would b that early. 

I still had 2 zooms and both my clients could hear J cry loudly in the midst of it.. haiz.. William took most of the night duty bcoz I had an early morning zoom. 

Whatever way it takes, as long as u zzz

Day 3

His fav past time nowadays to try pluck the leaves of the Xmas πŸŽ„ 

Took over J once my zoom was done. Went to pick the twins from church and thought we bring J for a car ride as well. Halfway there, the car broke down and thank God a sister helped pick the twins and brought them out ! 

Managed to settle the car and drove home. By then, both of us were exhausted with a cranky baby who has started to cry at the top of his voice. His cries these 2 days have crossed his usual volumes, and I think with the development of new skills, he now know that he just had to look at the person and cry, and that person would come over automatically as though it’s a magnet or magical wand.

Why aren’t u on yr play mat my dear son?

Day 4

We barely slept the night before. J doesn’t wan me to coax him to zzz. I’ll try to pat / carry him to zzz once he stirs but it just make things worse. Most of the time, William had to wake up to wrap up.

Doesn’t wanna drink or eat today. It’s the day where we just kept making milk and try and try. 

Sweet dreams my dear boys 

Naps are 20 mins or lesser and seriously we really showed hand liaoz.. and I don’t know how we going to correct all these bad habits after he recovers. I’m praying that today is the peak coz he’s super super fussy today. Cry so much that I wanna tell him mama will buy him a sports car if u stop crying and start napping. πŸ˜‚

He’s zzz for the night. Praying that he doesn’t wake up tonight. Vera just vomited after dinner and complaining of chest pains. We might need to bring her to kkh tonight.

Day 5

- he slept from 8pm-230am before crying. I’m so thankful for that. Gave him some painkillers and milk and he went back to zzz. Only me and William were on standby mode bcoz we wanted to be sure before we go back to zzz. 

Today is definitely easier compared to yesterday. He still isn’t sleeping as much as he should, so still cranky. Praying that we have passed the peak and it’s going to be 雨过倩晴!

I even had time for some me time outside because William didn’t need to serve in church today. Thankful for the break. Going back soon!

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