Monday, November 29, 2021

Saying goodbye to the milk factory


Send these photos to a very nice friend who offered to help me sell them away. 

It’s final. The milk factory is closed. Did my last pump today and I’m happy. I’m glad that this is all over. I thought I would b more chilled about the whole bf thing this time round but no, it still affected me a lot and I’m so glad it’s finally over. 

Time to look forward to more exciting stages in life. It’s the school hols and we have a few things planned for the kids. We did a staycation at equarius last week and this week, there’s another staycation (just me and the twins only). 

I wanna spend these few weeks with the girls before I start working full steam in jan. 

To be honest, I’m very excited about what lies ahead. J is happy in his school, we are all settled at our new place, and now that I’ve closed the milk factory, this means more time and energy for more exciting things !

Handling over the keys of minton back to the landlord this week. Praying that nothing urgent crops up or nothing stupid screws up. 

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