Saturday, October 30, 2021

Sleepless nights

Haven’t slept much yday night and I thought I would b so super concussed that I would have a good night rest tonight. But as it turns out, I’m still wide awake. Going to cut down my caffeine from now on. Not sure if it’s because I drank too much coffee, or bcoz the teenager has flew, or it’s just uncle pig’s health that is bothering me. 

He’s going for his MRI coming Friday. The ENT specialist just wanna make sure that there isn’t any tumour in his ear causing the imbalance. Going to also do the brain to rule out early signs of stroke etc. Times like this are a reminder to us that health is the biggest asset in life. Being healthy is the best gift we can give to our family besides TIME. Praying that God protect this man from any serious illness and to grant wisdom to the doctors so that we be able to have the correct diagnosis soon! 

The teenager is on the plane with my mama. She begged/convinced/persuaded and charmed her into going Paris with her. It’s their first trip together without me. I hope they don’t end up killing each other. May they enjoy this bonding session and I also asked them to come home in one piece. There isn’t a need to get anything for anyone. Just enjoy the trip, eat lotsa good food and take lotsa pictures. 

I really should go back to zzz. Going to bring the twins for their Saturday class tomorrow and gotten need to wake up early for that. 

Going to cut down to 3 pumps from Monday onwards. It’s a bittersweet moment. I know I sound like a patient with dementia or Dory forgetting where his lines are; but pls be patient with me as I finish this last phrase. I know I will get over it and in time to come, laugh at the me now. I just need time to get over it. Yes I know and yes pls God help me.

Thankful for all the blessings He has provided for me and my family. God is in control. I must remember that. 

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