Friday, July 2, 2021


- Posted on 30/6

I walked out today. Was frustrated that the girls were either quarrelling or criticising one another. It’s like never ending fights/bickers. It can happen for the least trivial things and today was one of those incidents that blew into a WW3. 

I don’t exactly know the details of today’s but it was somewhere along the line of needing to get lozenges for the twins bcoz our current supplies are finished, and both of them are on SHN so they asked Joy to go down to get for them. Both of them wanted to choose a flavour and Joy wasn’t keen to go down, or she don’t mind going down but she doesn’t wanna let them pick a flavour. (没有人肯让步)

I heard the commotion and told them it’s fine. I’ll go down. (求人不如求己)Took a mask and my hp and off I go. Sadly, I couldn’t find any lozenges neither at the condo minimart or the supermarket across the street. I wanted to cry lo.. 这么简单的事都办不到!I decided to walk, and before I knew it, I was at the bus stop. At that moment, I wanted to take the bus to the furthest destination, to run away. I was tired of being an adult, a mother to the kids and a daughter to my mom (that is a long story on its own). I wanted to just be myself, be alone. I wish I could turn all my kids to be babies so that their lives was simpler (eat/shit/sleep) and not so complicated like now. Or if I could, I wanna make all of them disappear and be alone or with William only. 

But I’m no magician and I’ve got to face reality. Called home and told the girls to tell william that I’m going nex to get lozenges and they can go ahead with dinner first. 

It’s nice to b alone at nex, even though there wasn’t anything exciting that I did. Thought I would shop and shop and let them skip dinner (coz william’s orders to the girls is they are not going to have dinner til mama is home.. lol)

Went to guardian to get some lozenges and meds for myself and an ice cream and I headed home. 


And that was it. I lead a boring life, I know. 

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