Friday, September 25, 2020


To do or not to do.. im uncertain. God can u give me a clear answer pls.. just like u always give me very clear and certain answers for my work. 

It sounds so vain and I'm uncertain. There's risks involved too. Perhaps i should list down the pros and cons before deciding. 

1) prettier 👀; doesn't look as sleepy ; assuming the op is successful 

2) doing it now has better recovery compared to when I'm older, plus now that everyone's WFH, by the time normal work commence, the healing and stuff would b natural 

1) what if an accident happens ? What if it isn't as pretty ? Do I really like my left eye over my right such that I wanna make them equal now ? 

2) if im doing the cutting method, recovery might take 3mths, probably up to 6mths and mayb years before it looks more natural. 

3) what if there's a scar ? 

If i were to proceed, which method then ? Stitching method or cutting method ? 
- faster recovery and looks more natural 
- a likelihood that the fold might disappear with age ; and doesn't solve the droppy eyes that comes with age next time 
- cost 2.8k

- longer recovery and longer time to look natural 
- permanent : which can b a good or bad thing bcox if the fold is not executed well then its permanent too. Vice versa.
- 3.4k

Update 25/9/20
I guess this is God's way of telling me not to do it. Just did the facial plus some new laser thing of my skin tag n pigmentation etc.. though my face was covered in numbing cream, the pain is still there. In fact it got so bad halfway thru that i wanted to ask the doc to simply stop.. but i cant.. coz ive paid and I didnt want to waste it. Lol.. walking to the train station, my face still sore or pain or not simply thankful that we need to wear masks for now..hahaha.. so no one can see my hideous face.. guess im not touching my eyelids for now..hahaha

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