Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Just went for 2 appts today; not really work worthy but I went ahead nonetheless coz I didn't have much people to meet anyway.

It has been a super quiet 6 weeks. If Rio was quiet, then this must be dead quiet!

Instead of feeling panicky, I know that theres a season for everything and perhaps this is the season for me to recharge, restrategize and even focus on areas that I've neglected in the past. It's hard to surrender completely to the Lord, but I'm trying.

N we went to the library today! Just me and the twins. It wasnt planned. Just decided to do it since the twins have finished reading their current books and were bored at home. I was free and decided to spend some time with them before picking Joy from her tuition later. In a way, I'm thankful that i could enjoy moments like this with them without being distracted. That's the joy of parenthood, isn't it ? To be able to enjoy them fully and taking what comes in its stride.

I know that God has plans for me and my family. I know that He's moulding me to become a better me tomorrow compared to  the me yday. I know that and I just need to wait patiently and no matter what comes along, God is with us, and all things will come in place, in His most perfect timing. With Him, all is possible.

Lord, I pray for complete surrender and faith in You. I pray for peace and contentment. I pray that You guide me this 2019, to achieve what I think is the impossible but "Himpossible". Lord Jesus, use me to fulfil what You want me to do. Make me your lighthouse so that all who see me, see your works, and all who see me will know my Maker and Creator. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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