Thursday, July 12, 2018

The month of celebrations

And thus began the start of July- my birthday mth.. and the celebrations have started..

With jm being the first to celebrate for both of us. Like last yr, she offered to cook a sumptuous lunch to treat us. It was really v sweet of her to do that and I always enjoy our times together, gossiping away..hahaha.. thankful for the friendship made with these 2 ladies.. we have gone a long way.. from being single , to married and eventually motherhood..和她们在一起我很舒服。希望她们天天开心,身体健康。

3rd July (actual day)
After my grouses of him being unromantic, I was kinda worried that he would have nothing planned for that day. But he did la.. We watched ocean12 in the morning, or perhaps I should say I watched it coz he was deep asleep for most of it.. Hahaha.  . We had lunch at swensen followed by bowling.. haha..quite eventful...

And I won in the game of bowling! hahaha... we each bowled 4 games in an hr..super exhausting..and i'm glad that the better player (aka me) won! (by a huge margin too..hahahahahaha)

went home to pick the kids and off for dinner before watching another movie... lol.. i know right.. so many movies in a watched mr incredibles coz its a family cartoon..suitable for the 4 of us.. mr choo snored in the show (again), though it was less noticeable this time round coz the noise fr the movie more than covered it..hahaha...

Thankful for them in my life, no matter how difficult the journey may be, I know its all worth it. Becoz you all are with me.

Had a few more lunch celebrations with friends, to which I can't be more thankful for. Grateful that they took the time to do it la... coz like what I always say, i'm not good at keeping friends.

My shoppholics kakis.. i always say I wanna exit the chat bcoz i wanna stop buying..hahaha..just kidding.. the kakis to know where and what to buy, at the best rates..hahaha...

my colleagues from day 1.. though we are now older, and i'm much heavier..hahaha.. we've been thru so much together that even though we only lunch together 3 times a year, it always seems like we have so much to talk abt... hahaha

my mummies kakis whom Joy and their daughters were in the same childcare..

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