Friday, April 6, 2018

Mini moon

Feeling emo.. on the cab towards the airport.. the start of our mini honeymoon..  the twins requested that I make them zzz.. which I agreed.. have been a long time since I do closing.. they didn't take a long time to fall asleep.. but I was reluctant to leave.. 😒😒😒
Hope I survive the trip...

Currently in Dubai having completed one flight..  waiting in transit for the 2nd flight..  watching my man take his forty winks before we board again and enjoying my cuppa coffee and scrambled eggs.. relaxing trip without the kids, only the 2 of us. I had forgotten how nice this feeling was.. to be able to enjoy the coffee slowly, to walk around and not rush thru everything or needing to attend to 1 or 2 of the girls.. I guess i can get used to this.. 

Kena caught in the act trying to take a selfie of him sleeping..hahaha...

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