Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Birthday celebration

I decided to pen how I celebrated my bday this yr.. actually wanted to do it last yr too..but in the end kept dragging it, n finally forgotten abt it.. eventually when my bday came this yr, i couldn't recall what I did for last yr.. so in order to remind myself, I shall pen it every yr.

This yr, the celebration started early coz my bday falls on a Sunday so Mr choo wanted to pre-celebrate with me, as well as a date for us to spend time together.

He brought me to Wheelers Yard for lunch, as I had casually mentioned to him a few weeks ago that it has been some time since we went to that place. As it was too early for the lunch set, he suggested that we wait it out...

See the nice pic.. but deep down I was craving for bak kut teh.. super unromantic wife.. but I managed not to tell him.. lol.. it's not easy, trust me.

We then proceeded to espa at rws for a spa. Didn't take too many pics there since it was v troublesome to take care of the phone while enjoying the nice steam baths..

Went to chomp chomp for hawker food ! Ya, my comfort food..before going home to make the kids zz.. that ends the couple date!

Incidentally my appts flew for this day and Mr choo suggested that we do a proper bday celebration today.. like a date again..coz the place he wanted to bring me for lunch was closed on 28th jun. So I agreed. We went back to sentosa again.. Haha.. to the lunch buffet at W hotel.. nice ambience with nice scenery.. and v quiet place.. well, i think the logical Singaporean won't drive in just to eat ba..since the food wasn't something to wow about.. okie i shall be gratefull that my huby makes the effort to bring the wife to nice places la..much as the wife is trying to be the stingy auntie and trying to make every cent count.

He also got me a present, which I was quite happy with it. Coz it was a practical gift and since the old one is quite worn out. 

After which we headed to vivo for some window shopping before going home to be with the kids.

03.07.16 (Actual Day)
As we needed to go to church today, Mr choo suggested that we do a simple lunch after church before we head home. Celebration this yr would be dinner at home.. yeah!! Honestly, to me , that was great! Coz i really prefer home cooked meals nowadays.. hahaha...and now that I'm older, bday is just another day.. at least to me la..

The kids were especially nice to me too.. haha.. I won't mind having bday everyday if i get to see them in their best behaviour... hahaha..

Simple meal by him.. 
After dinner, the kids kept asking where's the cake.. actually I, too, am curious.. as I didn't smell any baking smells these few days.. so would there be any cake? 

The creative baker thought he give a surprise to his Queen by making a strawberry strudel this yr.. when I saw him scrambling to complete his "project", tears streamed down.. although I tried to hide it la.. but when the kids started to sing the bday song, I couldn't control and the tears just kept flowing.. the kids were concerned but Mr choo says " mama is too happy, so she cried.." ya right.. as though he knows like tt.. blah blah...

 My bday pic.. not too nice coz sad face.. but strudel looks decent... haha..

After the kids zz, and I really can't tahan and tahan liaoz, I started crying and man, did I cry v jialat.. asked him why didn't he make or buy a normal cake? Told him I was disappointed that there was no proper cake.. haiz.. honestly, I also dont know what got into me.. the usual me don't usually fuss over such things. But this yr, especially this yr, I really hope to have a cake, with the many candles and everyone celebrating together as a family.. hahaha.. but Mr choo surprised me in a way that I wasn't expecting.. in fact, I cried so hard that he asked if he should get one now.. which I told him there was no need to, since the kids have zz, and even so it would have passed midnight. 

Even when I was telling my colleagues over lunch  the next day, I was kinda emotional still.. haiz.. muz be the hormones.. nevertheless, I'm thankful for them, to be able to relate to them, and be sane.. what an eventful 35!

Despite all the drama, I did see a cake 2 days later..yeah! so happy!

We sang so many times of the birthday song and blow the candle again and again coz the twins insisted that my bday was over and it was theirs! hahahaha.. but it was fun doing it 4 times.. all the girls are happy and the man is happy when his girls are happy.. happy ending!

1 comment:

J1am1n said...

Maybe like that so eventful, then you can remember ur birthday next yr!