Friday, May 6, 2016

On Friends & Meet Ups

               Recently a friend whom I haven't seen for > 8 yrs, contacted me again. She suggested doing lunch around my office area, just to catch up. It sounded very strange to me; for someone whom I haven't met for so long, to not only re-establish contact, but also offered a meet up at a place of my convenience. The skeptical me immediately rise all alerts, but agreed nonetheless coz she was a pretty close friend from the old days. The initial thoughts were either:

  1. She's going to sell me something
  2. She has an incurable disease and simply want to touch base with everyone before she leaves this world
  3. She wanna know more about my work
It was none of the above. She simply wholeheartedly wanted to reconnect! I felt so bad with all my evil thoughts!

The last time I saw her during Joy's babyshower. And that was also after not seeing her for several years and when I gave birth, she texted me, just to offer some helpful tips on parenting & words of encouragement. But I didn't manage to see her after that gathering. Why not? I'm not sure either. Probably I was too engrossed with parenting and my work that I forgot? But I was thankful that she took the 1st step; to reconnect back. The lunch was good, simply reminiscing on old days and catching up on who's with who etc. It felt like we didn't part. And I guess friends from school are always special, coz they represent the times when we were still innocent, unpolluted by the desires of the world.

In fact, I was overwhelmed by her love for me. :) I mean, as one ages, friends' worthy ones, become lesser. Everyone's busy with their own stuff, and being nice with no hidden agenda seem rare. There always seem to have some strings attached. But today, I met someone from the past, someone who was pure and innocent, someone who simply wanted to catch up, as we try to recall bits & pieces of memories. Things that we did in the past seem so childish now, even though it meant the world to us back then.

Thankful for finding a gem today. THankful that she chose to take that 1st step (coz i wouldn't dare). She told me also that she contacted another friend (whom I'm still meeting up regularly), and that friend says to meet her only after july! Wow! I wouldn't have the courage to accept such replies!

Here's a pic of us then, and now. Can't rem when was the then, but I believe it was a school trip to M'sia.

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