Monday, February 13, 2012

Every Day can be a Valentine's Day

Was looking rhru my past entries, and trying my best to recall how we celebrated Valentine's Day last year, but to no avail. I only blogged about the eve of V-day, which was spent in church, and the few days after V-day where we were embarking on our family trip to Korea. Nothing was mentioned about V-day last year...haha..gasp!

Anyway, not that it mattered to me. Coz after dating for several years, I suggested to Uncle Pig about scrapping the whole celebration on V-day, coz I felt that it was an overly commercialized event and I guess, I always felt that we can always treat each other better, n not juz in one day of February. Having said that, I was kinda taken off guard, when he planned his surprise this year.

This year, the celebration started on 10th Feb, on a friday morning where I woke up with heart-shaped French toast for breakfast, which was nice. I had ordered for French toast for breakfast the night before, but having it heart-shaped was sweet.

After breakfast, we went to the office as I had to prepare for my evening appts. I was greeted with a nice bouquet of purple roses! Kinda surprised coz i really didn't expect it. And it was one of my fav flowers, coz it was the flowers we used for our wedding. Nice!

The beaming Uncle Pig was so super happy, cause he had managed to pull off a couple of surprises, without me suspecting anything! Usually, I would always kinda figured out even before the actual day. haha...

Anyway, Sat proved to be even exciting cause he had "pre-booked" me way in advance, that we were going for a date on Sat. And yes, I enjoyed sat even much better too! First of all, being a control freak, my usual pattern is, I always need to know in advance where and what are the things we are gonna do for the day, but on Sat, I simply leave it to him. I didn't cause where or what we'll be doing, but just the dress code to start the date.

After dropping Joy at my in-laws place, we headed to Suntec. He says we are gonna have Tony Romas for lunch, and since it was still early, we went for a cup of coffee at Ya Koon's. After coffee, we headed back to the carpark (which I thot was kinda weird, coz Tony Romas is just a 5mins walk), but I followed obediently..hehe.. he drove to Marina Bay Sands..haha... coffee at suntec, was just simply becoz we were too early for lunch, and he was afraid that I would be too hungry by then...

Lunch was at this international buffet called Todai, a Korean restaurant, with a huge spread! And the nice part of it, most of the food were in bite sizes, so we wouldn't add up stuffing ourselves juz by trying all of them. Nevertheless, we didn't get to try all la...coz the spread was really too much... food is nice, service is nice too..juz that it's too crowded...will try going there on a weekday lunch and hopefully it will be better. Sashimi is super fresh, and the cold crabs are nice and aided with scissors.

After lunch, he brought me to watch the Musical the Wicked. I've not read up much on the musical, but several of my friends have watched it, and said it was good. My personal opinion was that, the musical tend to be a little draging at the start and there were times when both of us had problems trying to stay awake. (maybe it was the food). But it didn't matter if the musical was super good, or there was no one performing, becoz what mattered was that, it was a date, with him. A long awaited date, and a date that I treasured so much. =)

Back in the car, i asked him, when was the last time we actually dated, and both of us couldn't really rem when it was. He attributed it to his busy weekends while baking for Haven Bakery, which was kinda true. After the bakery was closed, I could really see parts of my house being much appreciated, and me being overly pampered by him. Haha... I guess, I just can't share him with the world. Sorry mummies but I'm sure you will find another baker!

p/s: paiseh, that this entry is kinda long..juz wanna start blogging down our dates, so that at least I will rem...haha...

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