Monday, October 17, 2011

Believe in God's timing, in all times

Today while catching up on some of my IF bloggers that I've known since some time ago, I read an entry from Hillary that she's pregnant! I almost cried when I saw that entry. For someone who's tried so hard, tried so long (3 IVFs & many IUIs), it's indeed heartwarming to know that God has decided to grant them their wish, in His own timing. They had actually moved on to adoption, and was about to accept an adoption case, when out of a sudden, she just decided to buy a pregnancy kit. - just to be sure, no expectations..not remembering when her last period was.. but I guess God always has his own plans and timing for us, every one of us. My heart go out to this couple, who has spend nearly every cent on fertility treatments, and finally the courage to move on to adoption. And yet, all technologies in the world, did not manage to help them, and to think that after closing this door for a few mths later, God decided to show that He is the Lord, and the creator of all. He showed us once again, that He answers in 3 ways: Yes, No, Not Yet..

Thank you lord for all you have created for us. I pray now that you protect Hillary's womb, and grant her a smooth delivery through this 9mths. - Amen

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