Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ever since our quarrel tat day , uncle pig has been treating me extremely well.. On mon we went for buffet lunch n he offered to go bk home early to tidy the house n cook dinner if I could pick joy bk..n he even did housework!!  N on tue he offered to exercise w me, followed by Pirates of the Carribean (Gold Class!!) ...  Much as I'm enjoying all the attention n time spend, it juz made me more anxious abt his biz.. Is he able to even cope w it or is he doing the "be a good lover" for these 4 mths n hopefully I will give him some leeway?

So guilty tt I even hv these thoughts... Arrgh.. Much as I'm trying juz to enjoy this moment together w him, I can't stop worrying for him.. Such is the paradox of women.. Complain when the men forgets , but worry if theres another agenda when he treats u slightly better .. Okie gotten stop here coz movies starting

1 comment:

Regine said...

Just enjoy the moment ba. It will be his life choices ba even if he is up to something but is now not you to judge cos you have given him the rights already. So just treat him like a responsible business owner for his business who will handle everything in his control. Worry so much also can't help much right? So just enjoy every moment!