Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are We ready?

Recently, the idea of adoption kept popping into my mind...especially after a powerful message by Pastor Dale on Hope... I ask hubz if he would be open to it and his reply was that God has asked him to a long time ago but I wasnt open then.. at that spur of the moment, i told him to prepare the process coz i tink i'm ready... or am I?

Maybe yes, maybe no.. i really dont know.. after hearing the sermon, images of Joy playing with her kid sister flashes.. i know i know, she's been wanting for a mei-mei for the longest time ever.. and it hurts, when I see her play by herself.. but will I be able to accept the new member as family, w/o any prejudice and really treat her as my own? Will the sisters fight? Will Joy ever regret her desire of having another child? Is my heart big enuff to love both daughters and will william ever have time for me then? I really hope for a complete family, not that its not complete now, juz that with 2 kids, it kinda make the whole family more completed..

Lord, you are the Almighty, and you are the creator of everything. I pray that you give me the peace in choosing the paths, direct me in Your Plans, and guide me along.. i'm fearful and I pray that you carry me in yr ways..

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