I think I’m out of my black hole. I think the crazy appts helped even though that also creates a whole set of other problems.
Sometimes I think I’m too hard on myself.
Angela reminded me that I should continue journaling in this space. I wanted to. But I was also afraid that the handful friends who’s reading it might be too worried. And seriously, when I’m struggling, the last I want is another text to ask me if I’m alright. 🫣🫣🫣 Is that weird?
I guess I just don’t wan additional attention/ limelight on me. I would pretty much prefer a silent prayer, a lunch or bunch of flowers. Hahaha..
And also I was pretty much fighting fire and learning new skills last year that I didn’t have time to come back.
I’m thankful for last year. 2024 had been kind to me. Despite the hectic times, it’s fulfilling to see my advisers bloom and grow. I love this part of my work. Just enhancing and making sure that I give the best environment to them, so that they can grow.
And I had my first appreciation lunch as a “老板”. My heart is filled with warmth and gratitude.
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