Monday, July 1, 2024

New Findings

 I always believe that the truth will set one free. 

And today, while doing the dishes at 5am, (I didn’t need to but I just wanted to help William in the little things), I had another aha moment. 

I really don’t enjoy doing chores, not even the dishes. And I’m grateful that I get to choose to do something enjoyable like my work, every single day. I get to, it’s my choice. My freedom and at least I’m enjoying my work, not like some friends whom I know where work is stressful and no purpose and is stuck. 

The moment where I get to “escape” to work, is liberating. 

I get to empower people with financial knowledge. 

I get to empower my advisers with knowledge so that they are more confident facing their clients. 

I get to see their metamorphosis. Some faster than others. 

I get to hug my kids in the morning, and spend time with each of them. 

I get to travel overseas with my colleagues and family, mostly funded by company. People who know me, know how much I dread going on such trips. But it’s a privilege.

I get hugs from the little boy who can kiss and kiss me in the mornings for as long as I wanted, and as many times as I requested. Yes, the struggles of having a toddler is exhausting, but there are perks alongside with it. 

The word “get” changes one’s mindset. It shifts from being forced to do, to having a choice to do. Instead of saying “I have to work to pay bills”, say “I get to work bcoz it’s the only few things in life I enjoy doing, besides eating and cross-stitching”

“I get to hold meeting groups bcoz there are people who needs help”

Shall try to go back to zzz. It’s 6am now. Oh well.

Received this pot of flowers this morning during our company meeting. A colleague gave this to me for my birthday, together with a bday card that she hand-made.

I was so touched by what she wrote. It is a good reminder/affirmation. I’m thankful for this reminder. Coz just last week, I felt defeated and deflated, and wondered if what I was doing was changing things. 

And then when I read the book last week abt “get” vs “have to”, it changed my mind. 

And this morning, the gift was another affirmation.

Might seem trivial to some, but it means a lot to this emo kid (me). 


In fact, my emo “younger twin” dated me next week for a floral arrangement class! 

These are my babies whom we have grown so much closer in the last 11 mths.. and these are babies whom I’m waiting for one day, to 超越我。And when that happens, my job is complete. 

Thankful for the opportunity to guide them, to be their “mother” and to lead them. The best is yet to be.