Tuesday, March 5, 2013

9 mths update

- Composed on 27th Jan 2013 -

My twins are 9mths old today! How time flies! It's so difficult to take a pic of them looking at the camera AND smiling at the same time! Daddy is better at it and always have nicer pics than me. 

To me, 9 months old is a big milestone coz it represents an equal time they spent in my womb n out of it.. Hahaha.. But seriously , looking at these 3 kids n the "uncle", I juz wanna thank God for them. Thank God for blessing them to me. No amt of $$ can be used in exchange for them. Not even if they hv made me much  heavier than before, not even if I become so sleep deprived, not even if I can travel the world w the many incentives .. They are my world, my everything, and im enjoying every moment of them, even though sometimes it can b exhausting n heart breaking at times

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