Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little prayer IV (19/4/11)

I finally decided to cancel the search mission and announce that I've lost the receipts. It took me a while, cause I was still hoping that somehow somehow they will appear when I come back to office today. Anyway, I called the client today and told her the truth, the whole truth.. that I've misplaced it...

The client didnt sound quite angry; but then maybe its bcoz the whole truth havent sink in to het yet. As for me, I'm just relieved that I've finally said it; despite the many reasons that I shouldnt. Cause the fact that I lost something so impt really reflects v.badly on my professionalism.. the thought of just simply blaming on the courier system to the insurer; or juz shifting the entire blame to my PA did TEMPT me. And thus the prayer in my earlier entry.

But while I was writing this entry, and a look @ Joy seals it. As a parent, I hope that I can tell my girl that mummy makes mistakes too, but we all muz have the courage to admit it. And honestly, it takes more than one can imagine to make this step. I was telling J earlier today that this incident caused me a lot more distress than a complaint case by an unreasonable client a few mths ago. That's because I know I was not wrong at the previous incident (even though if really convicted, the trouble would be much bigger...but of course, the co. investigated and cleared my name la), but this one, clearly is mine.. even though the amt on the receipt is quite small, and I would more than gladly offered to reimburse the client on my personal account, but the fact remains that I would appear unprofessional for losing a document. I'm not sure if my honesty would cause the client and her friends to cast a different light, but I was glad that I eventually said it. And Thank God for the message on Wed!

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