Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Got up this morning feel ultra sick.. Flu, cough n a pair of super sore breasts tat signify tat it's coming anytime.. Not tat I can't cope w my menses, it juz irritates me when the breasts r so sore tat they become hard like iron balls n the mere touch of it hurts.. Y can't mine come w/o symptoms? Or y can't it cone but not as pain? Especially when in recent mths the pain has been quite intolerable..

Got so emo tat I missed my prayer meeting this week.. N woke up at 11.. Feeling all of the above, I Thot today will b a black Wednesday.. But uncle pig called.. Maybe he sensed it this morning tat his queen is not well, or maybe it's an act of convenience.. He called n saved me.. He asked if I wanted to c a doc, which I said no..then followed by sayg tat he's reaching in 5mins (sweet surprise) to bring me for lunch, n if I can, mayb do movies? Thank God for uncle pig! Else today I would juz turn out to be a hermit, hiding in my room with no lunch n juz waiting for time to pass..

As I wrote this entry, emotions flowed.. Like what if he didn't call? What if we didn't get marry? N what if we hadn't met each other? I know it sounds pretty exaggerating but right now I'm juz so thankful for him.. Don't tink he realize the stuff but never mind..

Hopefully we really do get to watch a nice movie after lunch...maybe we can go catch it at cineleisure

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