Friday, April 8, 2011

Close encounter with Cancer

Uncle pig (which I've addressed him fondly since uni days.. moving forward, he will be known as uncle pig la..) had his appt @ TTSH.. We agreed to meet there at 1130 so tat I can go w him but this man ah, went to clock in n completed his appt by 11am! Anyway, w our relief, the doc says it seems to be a viral infection, which they say has no medical cure now (sounds scary right?) but it's not CANCER la.. No tumors no nothing.. So we are thankful! Thankful for:
1) God protection on this situation
2) Our friends tat prayed for us, especially my CG
3) allowing us to appreciate things n each other.

Through this situation, can also see the weak side of uncle pig.. How a giant crumbles down n it was a humbling experience for all of us. It was a close encounter with cancer... something tat's not taught in textbooks or in any courses that I've attended.. but because of this, there was nothing much we could do or prepare for.. we just had to rely on God wholeheartedly.. and that maybe this is also the reason I understand what it means by COMPLETE surrender to the's like in the old times, when people are sick and there was no cure, they had faith, faith that Jesus will heal them and cast all ailments away.
It's the same feeling here, that when there's really no route left, then just have to believe in God.. really!

I'm also thankful tat God chose to send me this message in the midst of all this, that it is in His right timing, to direct me to the adoption process. Well, now tat everything's kinda settled, we should b starting it pretty soon! Haha...

p/s: Been busy recently with TTSH, and alot of work... so been quite delayed in my posts.. have so many things tat I wanna blog but I have yet to post them.. sorry! Had to re-edit this entry too.. coz the office internet didnt squeeze me in juz now..hahaha... anyway, God is good ALL the time!

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