Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Proud mama

This is alrdy the second cup of paid coffee outside today.. hahaha.. so much abt paying for only 3 cups a week. Let’s see how the rest of this week goes. 

Woke up super early today coz we had to attend Joy’s student leader investiture. Proud moment for her and us. Glad that she’s enjoying her secondary sch life, thankful that the school has transformed her to be the independent, responsible leader she is now. #proudmamamoment

She wasn’t always enjoying her secondary sch life. The first year was hard, and there were a lot of adjustments to be made. Im glad she pulled thru. Fast forward and now she’s enjoying every moment of her final year in MGS. By the end of the ceremony, I was tempted to put the twins in this sch, if their results permit. But I’m haunted by how far the sch is.. hahaha.. we shall see how they fare. I know God has plans for them, in His own special way. 

Still waiting for my 11am appt but I’m so sleepy now. Omg.. it’s always the first appt that give me the jitters. 

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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