Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Nostalgic Times

Enjoying my freeeeee day today and feeling so relieved that all the appts got postponed! (J says tat I'm the only person she knows who's delighted to have appts flew.. hahaha) But its nice to have a breather, esp when the last few weeks were always packed to the brim (though not all are work related) Finally a time for me to go thru my thoughts, have some quiet time and also finish up my outstanding to do list.

Met up with 2 separate ex-colleagues this week... friends from ancient times.. lol.. times when we cried together, times when training was hard. The first lady left the industry to focus on her other biz and the last we saw each other was at PCK's wedding, which was many years ago. It was nice to see her again, we talked a little abt our firstborn and how both of them are taking their O levels this year. It just seem yday when we met up with our babies at bugis..hahaha.. nostalgic times. I'm glad to see her again, coz we drifted - we were all busy + there were some misunderstandings back then (which I dont think either of us can rem the details now) . Told J that i probably should organize a small gathering among the few of us.. those days were precious memories to me.. and mayb its really old age, that you start to treasure the people who made major footprints in my life back then.

The other lady left the industry very early on. Met the love of her life, and migrated to NL. We meet up once a while when she comes back to SG to visit her family and friends. I always say that i should visit her whenever I travel to Europe, but somehow the logistics make it hard..hahaha.. will see if I can do it this couple of years. 

I think I'm at the stage where I see some of the decisions me and my peers made back then, and how it affects us now.. I'm not saying who's right or who's wrong coz at the end of the day, we make our own choices and we live by it. It kinda reminds me that whatever I choose to do or not to do now, will also bounce and hit me in my face 10 years later..hahaha.. i know its chim, but ya, praying that God give me wisdom to make the right choices and that I wouldn't stray away from the light. 

Anyway, in other news! We celebrated Joash 2nd bday last few days. Seem surreal that he's finally become 2! I'm reminded recently that I'm blessed to have him, that he is truly God's sent! Thankful for the precious gift and at the same time praying that he start to sleep properly at night! Please God, let him zzz thru from 9-7am and i'll be so grateful. Been feeling so zonk out coz he wakes up at 1-2 times every night and only wants me.. bahahahaha.. no I do not need to feel "preferred" in that sense. 

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. - Colossians 3:12 

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