Saturday, May 13, 2023

Less is More

Met two girlfriends for dinner after a long day. I felt like I’ve talk so much the entire day. 

Upon arriving, one gf was just saying that she finally managed to get a bag from the famous H brand, despite it not being the design or range she had wanted. She had after all, just returned from Europe. The other gf was saying that she had to queue for 2hrs just to enter the store in Paris and despite buying some accessories there many years ago (coz I’ve heard this story so many times 😝), she is still on “the waitlist”. And even a recent visit to that same shop to replace the battery for her watch also meant having to queue for more than an hr just to do this errand. 

I was speechless. Have we all become blinded by the brand? Or slaves to it? I almost fell into this trap too, at the Istanbul airport when an SA offered me the same bag!! (that my gf is proudly talking abt now). I wasn’t keen to get it though it did crossed my mind. Entered the shop to help a friend c if there was any chance of getting the prized possession for her bday. (I wanted to clock miles, so that’s why I’m helping all my friends get their bags / luxury goods). And honestly, in the weeks that followed after the trip, I too, became so obsessed of wanting to own one! But thankfully, I stumbled upon a few articles which made me snapped out of it. So thankful man!! Lol… 

Anyway back to my story.. so at the dinner, I could see how both my gfs were proudly displaying their respective “status” and the things they needed to do in order to be on top of the list etc. Really seems like 包包的奴隶。And they are not the only ones, let’s be honest. The whole world is promoting it, via influencers, social media and advertising where one needs MORE & MORE. It’s never enough. Like why we definitely need to get another of this or another of that, and it really doesn’t matter what price it is at, as long as it’s from a particular brand etc

Glad that I snapped out of this rat race. Not loving leather goods coz they make carrying my work stuff so heavy. In fact I’ve arranged for a secondhand store to pick up my bags coz I would very much like to sell them. Loving my current light snoopy cloth bag.

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