Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Me time

Source: Less Stuff by Lindsay Miles

I only managed to read chapter 1 today coz I got distracted with my phone. But I just wanna pen my thoughts for the future me now. 

This reminds me of what JM spoke earlier abt “帐单自由”. In my trade, we all know that it’s never abt how much we earn but how much we save. One can earn sky high but becoz of poor financial decisions end up not saving even a penny. And there are others who have humble jobs but the savings they have in their bank are jaw dropping! Note to self: Don’t be caught up by the brands in the world. There isn’t a need to buy anything just to prove that I’ve made it. Learn to live with less. Be contented with what I have. It’s sad if I need to buy more to make myself happier and in order to afford that kind of lifestyle I need to work longer and thus be more stressed and more unhappy? Work should b challenging and fulfilling not stressful and unhappy.

Does the clothes/shoes/bags I use reflect the status I am or are they a reflection of the slave I am?

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