Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Day 4

Suddenly seems that the day passes so fast and uncle pig is coming back in another 3days!! Woohoo! Or mayb bcoz I was out the entire day so time seems to fly even faster.. hahaha

Had work discussions in the morning and I’m glad that alls sorted out. At least there is clarity now. Had to rush to Novena to go for Joy’s medical appt with NSC. We probably spend 3hrs there and then I had to rush back to office to take a zoom call while she did some revisions in the office. 

We had dinner at the Korean restaurant nearby. I feel so blessed that I’m reaping the rewards / ROI of my kids when she was cooking the whole entire time. Just waiting for the time when she’s going to start paying for the meals and giving me an allowance.. hahahaha.. glad that we spend some time together to hear abt her student life and her new collection of friends. 

Came home and saw that Joash wasn’t asleep yet so I volunteered to do the closing. I actually missed him so much today and the many times I went to check on the cctv I couldn’t find him in sight. The helper says he has been staying in her room watching her do ironing. 

Joy entertained the little boy while I took a shower. 

Finally no early morning drop offs for the next 2days. I pray that Joash zzz thru til 9am! If that happens, maybe we will do a short excursion tomorrow. And this wraps up today!

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