Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Day 3

Had a bit of time in the afternoon after the visit to the PD in the morning. Fed Joash his meds before I went to have lunch with the twins and send them to tuition.

I decided to have dinner out with the girls so that our helper only need to jaga the sick boy and his dinner. Boy will b at home the whole of this week coz he had diarrhoea and I 不放心 the school will do a good job in checking and cleaning. 

Tried to arrange for some work appts for the next few weeks. Also deleted the game that I was obsessed with for the last few mths! And suddenly I felt that I have a lot of time! Hahahaha… 

Even managed to spend some time in the library to pick up some books for myself and Joash..

Decluttering is one of the things I wanna work on, to live with lesser things. I also recently downloaded an income and expenses app! The amt I spend on food/snacks is scary! Omg ! Didn’t realize it until I put it in writing. 

While waiting for time to pass at the Starbucks this morning. The wait time was 2hrs+ but we survived!

Night times are most stressful for me. I pray that it will get better in time to come. 😜

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