Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Swimming #2

Back to swimming again. I really hope this swimming streak can last til may.. hahaha.. 

Went to the gynae yday and was shocked that I’ve gained 3 kg in 5weeks!! Omg! It’s too much to handle and I’m back to clean eating again. Not the strict strict kind but the intent is just to remove all the sugary drinks out of my diet. Been over indulging in myself and removing all boundaries.. lol..  

This was my food diary yday. By late afternoon I was feeling restless and emo. My body is missing the sugar cravings. But for the sake of a healthier baby and me, yeah, we shall do it 1 step at a time . My goal isn’t to lose weight, but to control the exponential weight gain so that baby wouldn’t end up being too big before delivery, or me having gestational diabetes again. 

Striving to be a better me! 22 weeks passed, 16 more to go. 

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