Wednesday, February 10, 2021


I’m back in the pool again, the 4th time in 2 weeks. Needed this to increase my metabolism. With working from home since 2020, it also meant that the number of steps I clocked generally are in the hundreds only.. lol.. 

I’ve gain 1.5kg since last week and it’s seriously freaking me out. I tried to go back to clean / healthy eating but it made me so restless and emo that I had a dive into sugars the next couple of days. Baby J likes his carbs and he is v. Certain abt that. I hope when he comes into this world, he brings with him his carbs cravings. I miss my salads and greens. 

At week 23, I’m almost 2 thirds into this leg of the race. Seriously I can’t wait for week 37 to arrive. I pant even when doing short walks. I feel like an enormous hippo all the time.. lol.. though I need to remind myself that this shall be the LAST time I will ever look like this, when people wouldn’t judge / gossip about looking huge. Hahah.. 

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