Monday, February 1, 2021


Decided to go back swimming from today onwards. It’s my Feb resolution. Joy says that Feb is a perfect mth bcoz it starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. How true is that! 

And with that, I dragged my feet to swimming today, mths since the last session. The water was too cold for my liking. At first dip, I remembered why I never really like swimming in the morning. It was always cold, and eventually I would procrastinate and the swim sessions would die down after a while. I hope I wouldn’t end up cutting it short this time round. 

Went for breakfast with the man thereafter. These days, we always have breakfast together, no rush, just enjoying each other’s presence. I love my man. 

Gonna do some work at CBTL while the man does his grocery shopping. I shall also make a list of Feb resolutions to motivate myself. Hahaha

  1. Swim once a week 
  2. Start my face routines again
  3. Twag
It’s nice to feel pretty and not tired today. Hahaha.. I hope I can spend more time on myself now, putting on my facial products at night etc. And ya I need to increase my movement. Hardly moved much nowadays. Shall start tracking my weight

Weight: 82 kg
22nd week 

Happy week everyone ! 

“Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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