Sunday, January 31, 2021

Entering week 22

This is me and my buns at week 22. I feel that I look more pregnant than my weeks count. I think irregardless of gender, I always look BIG when I’m pregnant..hahah.. gonna enjoy this pregnant look bcoz this is really going to be our last bun!

Went for our detailed scan last week and everything is in order. Baby is still there and it’s a boy as confirmed. Lol.. I don’t know why but everything still seems like a dream to me and up til the scan, I still didn’t feel like announcing the pregnancy news for fear that I would lose my child. Yes, despite the “Trust in the Lord with all yr heart....”

Some updates on me and my pregnancy journey:

1) Cravings 

- it’s definitely william taste buds this time round. I’ve been eating so much carbs over the last few mths then the whole of my 2yrs of slimming journey. Dinner last night was carbonara with lotsa potato wedges while a typical breakfast nowadays would either be mee rebus or Bak chou mee or prata. 

Believe me, I’ve tried to eat healthier or cleaner but nothing makes me happier more than carbs.. sigh.. I told william that this pregnancy has pushed all my boundaries everywhere. Right now, my goal is just to press on til week 38, then when baby is out, hopefully my own taste buds would finally be back. And we will try work out the losing weight part then..

2) Baby movement 

- He’s definitely starting to kick more at nights. Just yday, Vera was delighted to feel his kick before she went to bed. And can I say that Vera has been so sweet to me these few weeks. She has been insisting that I do my meds every day and reading to him at nights etc. Suddenly our little princess doesn’t seem so little any more! 

Grace would write notes to remind me if I was home late so that I would still come back and take them.. I feel so spoilt by their love suddenly! These are moments when I don’t mind having another kid but we never know how the dynamics would b when the baby is here eventually.

Another photo of me looking overly pregnant.. lol

3) baby shopping

- we have gotten more or less all our baby stuff. I just need to decide which breast pump I’m going to get. I’ve shortlisted the spectra s1 but now I can’t quite decide if I should get the parallel imported one (with no warranty) or the local set which cost double but has with 2 yrs warranty. William says I should just get a local set coz he doesn’t want any repair problems to sprout up subsequently. And it’s not like we couldn’t afford it. Yes, he’s slightly pissed that I’m wasting my brain cells mulling over this $100-$200 issue. He says I should just use the time to zz or concentrate on my work. Fair enough. But What happened to the man that used to shop at 3 different supermarkets comparing the prices for his groceries ! Hahahahaha.. it’s funny how much we both have changed since our single hood days!

4) Delivery plans

- I’ve finally come to terms that we are doing a c sec, not trying a VBAC becoz the gynae and PD both discouraged it. My Pd says to pop more painkillers after birth if I really feel extricating pain rather than risk a ruptured uterus. Oh well, I guess this is it la.. to do a c-sec plus I could also clipped my tubes in the same procedure. And I really should be clipping them right ? 

5) Sleepless nights

- it comes occasionally like today. Woke up at 4am thinking abt the pump and couldn’t go back to zzz. Thus I started this entry. Praying that I have better sleep especially since tomorrow is a long day for us. 

6) Constipation 

- I thought with carbs eating, I would be less constipated. Prune juice worked for 4 weeks but I could feel that it’s losing it’s effect. Where does all the food go to if it doesn’t come out ?

7) Binge watching 

- I’ve been binge watching past seasons of Sex and the City ever since I found them on MeWATCH! Lol.. they used to b so popular last time! It was good to catch on them after a hectic January work schedule. There’s only 2 kinds of me - the >20 appts a week Lena or the no appts kind. There isn’t any in between.. lol.. I like the adrenaline rush when it’s 20 appts yet I end up so exhausted after that. So generally I try to work 2 weeks and clear all outstanding on week 3 and rest completely on week 4. I hope this new schedule works.. hahahaha

Think I better go try catch some zzz. I can’t believe that it’s 5am now ! Omg .. and I probably still wanna go Lor mee with william later at 7am! 

God, I pray that You guide us in every step of this exciting journey. I know this is You working in us. I pray that You strengthen me whenever I feel weak. God, thank u for all ur blessings . In Jesus name I pray, amen !

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Just a little update abt what happened this morning ..after having my Lor mee for bf, mr choo dragged me to baby hypermart saying that he wanna show me another pram that he was considering. I was like .. “what!?” Why do we need another one ? 

Hadn’t we just bought the Mac claren, which is still in a box, just 2 weeks ago? I mean yes this is the lightweight yet sturdy 1 hand close pram going at $199 only, but the thing is we don’t need two prams when we only have 1 baby!? Lol.. I was bemused coz u could see from his eyes that he was seriously considering it. I didn’t know how to say no. Granted that even if we have 2 prams, it’s still way cheaper compared to the one pram that some of my friends are having.

In the end, he snapped out of it and decided one was enough. a little boy who didnt manage to get a puppy for a pet.. recording down so that I can remember his excitement.

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