Sunday, January 24, 2021


The little one is at week 21 and the size of a large banana. My tummy has started to expand and I’m more comfortable in maternity clothes than ever before. Ever since we know the gender, Vera has been extremely thoughtful towards as it is I’m currently lying on her lap, listening to her read me stories to me and the little one. She’s also the one who makes sure I eat my day and night meds everyday, drinks my prune juice and let me rest whenever possible. On some days, I’m so thankful and blessed for the extra love showered.. hahaha

Going for our detailed scan tomorrow.. being the 4th child, I’m less anxious abt going for the scans. I try to delay / extend them by a bit bit so that we wouldn’t need spend so much on scans.. hahaha.. it just didn’t feel as necessary. 

Have settled the pram, cot, uv sterializer, bb tubs and some clothes. We were surprised not to find Maclaren prams at the bb fair and a check with some friends and I realize that it’s no longer a popular brand. The features most parents look for prams are : reversible facing, lightweight and 1 hand close which explains why Maclaren isn’t a popular option. It was definitely one of ours and uncle choo was delighted to find it still available at the old bb hypermart shop we used to go .. hahaha.. and at a fraction of its hayday price as well! 

Oh well, I guess we are just old school la.. haha and since he’s the main user, it really didn’t matter to me personally which pattern he gets. I probably sling the baby if I’m going out with him by myself.. hahaha

The state of our house is in a mess now, with baby items and clutter etc which uncle pig says will be cleared before cny. I really hope so. 

Lunch at sushiro today, a surprise treat for the girls coz they missed the Japanese sushi when we were in Hokkaido. Beautiful weekend.

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭55:22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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