Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Time alone with God

 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬


When I look back at the emotional rollercoasters I had during my first trimester, I didn’t know what came to me. Why I had behaved the way I did, or why my thoughts were always clouded with negativity and pessimism. I’m thankful for the support I received from my family and friends who knew I was struggling. I’m sorry that they had to put up with my nonsense and when I said nonsense, it’s really terrible nonsense. 

Coming into 19th week of my pregnancy, I’m a lot better now; be it emotionally or physically. I’ve started to do some work as well as trying to do my TAWG again. 

I’m fearful of what lies ahead, especially if I would fall back into the post natal depression pit. Thus I’m trying to record all these little victories so that when the time comes, I would b ready. Praying that God grant me wisdom to overcome my challenges, that I wouldn’t be consumed by my own self when the battles come. Praying that I always stay rooted in His word and remembering that He is with me in every step of my journey, in Jesus name I pray, amen! 

P/s: meeting a couple of friends for lunch this week.. yeah ! Happy moments 

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