Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Lunch appt

Met a client for a review over lunch today and she asked how old the twins are. Her eyes glowed when I told her that they are 6 now. She commented that how time flies..Indeed it has. She has been my client for 8yrs.

It seem like yday when I broke down in front of her during one of our many lunch appts, lamenting abt my infertility (IF) struggles and how hard it is to just survive, breathe and pretend that IF doesn't hurt. It remains one of the toughest challenges of my life, battling depression and IF. It must have been too much for me that I wept in the midst of our appt; in front of someone I wasn't even close to. I was surprised when the emotions took the better of me but my client was pretty chilled about it. She comforted me; encouraged me and watched the many phrases that I went thru..

As I looked thru the #infertility posts that I've made in 2011, I'm glad that God was with me / us thru the many seasons. No words can express my emotions. And when I caught snippets of 《新生》aka "Babies on Board" this morning, I was reminded of how real IF is. And I just wanna take this time to encourage the friends that are still trying. I pray that God, you prepare and warm their womb, that You breathe life into their wombs, so that they too could experience parenthood. God, I pray that You carry them in this journey, that even though it seems arduous, You strengthen and comfort them. I pray that You send angels to them too, just like how you've send this client to me, so that they have someone to share this with. I know it's hard but we are all rooting for u ! In Jesus name I pray, amen!

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