Saturday, May 12, 2018

Conversations with Joy..

Was abt to take my afternoon nap when Joy snuck in and said she wanna chit chat with me. Wow.. Okie..

Halfway thru our small chat, she confessed that she had forged my signature at her recent HCL 听写. She had scored 88/100 and felt that she was in big trouble bcoz of the low score. Seriously, I have no idea why she thought it was low. Nowadays Vera always come home with 5/10 for her spellings and I didn't even say much.. anyway I'm drifting..

Of coz I was shocked that she forged my signature. That is like forgery leh.. omg..and I know I can burst into a volcano eruption like the old days. But today, I simply hugged her and told her that what I hope is for her to always be honest to me. Always. I told her, no one will remember u even if u get full marks for yr PSLE but everyone will remember u for yr (dis)Honesty. I told her that I love her (again) and that she should always not be afraid to tell us her struggles..

She sobbed...quite jialat kind.. which I don't even understand why she cried.. she didn't even get any caning or scolding I rem I kena jialat fr my mama when I was caught forging her signature

Anyway may God watch over her and give me wisdom as I parent over her.. we are still a work-in-progress...

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