Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lazy Sunday morning

Joy came into our room at 7am this morning. She requested to use the kitchen to bake her scones. She has been craving for them for weeks. Papa choo agreed and we went back to sleep.

In the midst of my slumber, I heard the twins trying to "lend a hand"; while Joy was trying to manage the baking and the twins. Thank God nothing disastrous happened..

If I have another baby, this would mean that I would have to wake up at the wee hrs again.. the me now could continue to zzz even if they woke up coz they could play with their toys on their u think it's possible that I pass the infant to them at 6am and go back to zzz ?🤣

*Baker and her scones*

The scones tasted great with generous amount of butter and jam spread.. there were "milo" scones too, improvised by the baker. I volunteered to do the dishes for her if she could just do the spelling with the twins. She gladly accepted the swop. (I had to offer the swop or else papa choo would b grumbling if he wakes up and see his baking tools not wash to his standards 😅)

After that, I brought the girls for a swim ! They were delighted! It's impromptu and I thought it would b good for the P5 to take a break in the midst of exams prep..

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